Wednesday, July 13, 2011

Scholarships and Saves Ideals (Beasiswa yang Menyelamatkan Cita-cita)

Suaib Katin (23) tidak mengira bisa kuliah di perguruan tinggi negeri. Semula ia merasa pesimis. Ayahnya meninggal sejak ia masih kelas III sekolah dasar. Untuk kehidupan sehari-hari, ibunya berjualan ikan di sebuah pasar di Kabupaten Flores Timur, Nusa Tenggara Timur.

Hasil berjualan ikan hanya cukup untuk makan sehari-hari Suaib serta dua kakak dan dua adiknya. Sebagian lainnya digunakan untuk biaya sekolah. Beruntung, setelah lulus SMA, dia diterima di Fakultas Pendidikan Matematika dan Ilmu Pengetahuan Alam, Universitas Nusa Cendana, Kupang, serta mendapat beasiswa. Sebagian beasiswa ia gunakan untuk membayar uang kuliah Rp. 600.000 per semester.

"Beasiswa sangat membantu saya dalam meraih cita-cita," kata Suaib yang ingin menjadi guru Biologi. "Saya ingin mengatasi ketertinggalan Nusa Tenggara Timur yang selalu terendah kualitas pendidikannya," kata Suaib.

Semua itu adalah kisah dari teman- teman kita yang semangat menuntut ilmu. Apabila ada kemauan keras pasti akan ada jalan untuk mencapainya. Jadi kobarkan semangat kita untuk meraih Ilmu pendidikan....

Suaib Katin (23) do not think you can go to public universities. At first he felt pessimistic. His father died since he was a third grade elementary school. For everyday life, her mother sell fish at a market in East Flores regency, East Nusa Tenggara.

The results of selling fish just enough to eat everyday Suaib and two brothers and two sisters. Others are used for school fees. Luckily, after graduating high school, he was accepted at the Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences, University of Nusa Cendana, Kupang, and got a scholarship. Most of the scholarship he used to pay tuition fees of Rp. 600 000 per semester.

"Scholarship has helped me achieve goals," said Suaib who want to become a Biology teacher. "I want to overcome the backwardness of East Nusa Tenggara are always the lowest quality of education," said Suaib.

Elizabeth Arita (20) felt the same. Her father is daily open the motorcycle repair shop in Alor District, NTT, only able to send her to school until high school. That, too, with a very severe struggle. Sometimes his father borrowed money to a neighbor if there is a school needs to be met.

When Elizabeth will continue their education into college, his father's request to postpone the first due to run out of charge. Luckily she has a caring teacher. When knowing very big ambitions to get into college, the teacher enrolled him as a prospective awardee Shutter Mission.

Luckily he was accepted at the Faculty of Law, University of Nusa Cendana. "If passed, I want to be a lawyer and defend the little people. A lot of injustice experienced by poor people," he said eagerly.

Firda N (19) also do not think you can lecture. At first he could only dream of being a student. Poverty is wrapped around his family often makes Firda disappointed because a lot of unfulfilled desires. He also must measure the ability of the family.

His father, who was paralyzed since he was sitting in class III SD makes it must always be concerned about. Family economy depends only on the mother who worked minimally. In fact, Firda has four sisters who are still in high school, junior high, and two in elementary school.

When high school graduation, he accepted at the Faculty of Education Language and Arts, University of Nusa Cendana, and got a scholarship Shutter Mission Rp. 6 million per semester. Scholarship money that he used to pay tuition and English courses.

"In addition to Indonesian wanted to be a teacher, I also want to become a tour guide, delivering tourists to enjoy the natural beauty of NTT," said Firda

All of that is the story of our friends that the spirit of studying. If there's a will there would be a hard road to get there. So our spirit waged to achieve education Science ....

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