Wednesday, June 29, 2011


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Sunday, June 26, 2011

Jakarta Provide 222,267 School Bench (Jakarta Sediakan 222.267 Bangku Sekolah)

Dinas Pendidikan DKI Jakarta menyediakan 222.267 bangku kosong pada pendaftaran peserta didik baru (PPDB) tahun ajaran 2011/2012. Daya tampung itu disiapkan untuk TK negeri sebesar 330 siswa, SDN sebanyak 122.500 siswa, SMPN sebanyak 54.386 siswa, SMAN 29.317 siswa dan SMKN 15.714 siswa.

"90 persen diberikan untuk peserta didik lulus ujian nasional dari DKI Jakarta, sedangkan 5 persen peserta didik luar DKI, dan 5 persen lainnya bagi siswa luar DKI yang memiliki prestasi khusus," kata Kepala Dinas pendidikan DKI Jakarta Taufik Yudi Mulyanto.

Office of
Educational Establishments providing 222,267 empty seats on theregistration of new learners (PPDB) 2011/2012 academic year. Capacity of the country was prepared for kindergarten for 330 students, as many as 122,500students of SDN, SMP as much as 54,386 students, 29,317 students and SMKNSMAN 15 714 students.

"90 percent were given to the students pass the national examination of DKI Jakarta,while 5 percent of learners outside of Jakarta, and another 5 percent for studentsoutside of Jakarta which has a special achievement," said Head of EducationEstablishments Taufik Yudi Mulyanto.

The online registration schedule for public school has started since June 7 to June 25,SMP begins June 23 to July 7, while the high school and vocational country beginsJune 26 until July 9, 2011.

According to Taufik, for acceptance of public school, ranging from registration untilthe announcement can be accessed through the website As forjunior high, high school and vocational school can be accessed via

Meanwhile, Taufik ensure the new student enrollment for all levels is free of charge.Because, he said, had been financed Budget (APBD) Establishments 2011. In addition the registration process and admissions can also be remotely monitoredbecause the data is presented in real time and can be accessed online.

"I call out to the students' parents do not exist and do not want to spend whatever time of registration. If that happens, please report it immediately to the Office ofEducational Establishments," he asserted

Monday, June 20, 2011

SD Al Uswah Sabet UN Rated 4 times Respectively

Surabaya - Echoes of the importance of the value of honesty was already done SDAl-Uswah since 4 years ago. This makes the elementary school located at JalanKejayan Gebang No. 6 won the number one category of private schools in Surabaya.

This was disclosed Elementary Principal of Al-Uswah Edris Effendi. He stated that the school was indeed put forward the moral intelligence as intelligence support their students.

"I always emphasize that we value (SD Al-Uswah) will sag if not honest when working on the National Exam," explained the man who has served two years of elementaryschool principals AL-Uswah told reporters on Monday (6/20/2011).

It also introduced a system Tahajud call to his disciples. Starting with a sharedtelephone number, so that every hour of 3:00 pm the students together to performprayers tahajud wake.

"Tahajjud Call was also effective in helping raise their value, because most studentsadmitted more then lodged learn after prayers," added the man who also doubles thisMathematics teacher.

This was proved by two students who won the UN in 2011 with the 29.55 from 3 subjects, on behalf of the Muhammad Hizbun Nashr and Mujahidah Khalisa.Interestingly, in addition to smart they also could memorize the Quran at an early age.

"If it memorized Nasr nine chapters, if Khalisa three chapters," said Edris.

To the end of school, SD Al-Uswah reached rank 3 elementary school in Surabayaand number one for private elementary school in Surabaya.


Monday, June 13, 2011

Telkom ICT-Based Smart Schools Boost

Telkom was intensified application of ICT (information communication technology) in teaching and learning in schools.
Through a program called Smart School, counseling and education will continue digencarkan throughout the country.

"ICT will form the ecosystem and integrate the process of interaction between schools, teachers, students, and parents, become more effective," said Deputy EGM Telkom Business Service Division Achmad Sugiarto to ITGazine, Tuesday (24/05/2011).

With the integration of ICT ecosystem basis, Telkom hopes will form the basis for building the School Quality Management System which in turn improve the accreditation and school choices priority community.

"Related to the Smart School, Telkom has provided a total solution with the best network quality assurance and many conveniences provided for the school including the movement of Internet Goes To School (IG2S)," said Sugiarto.

To build a foundation of knowledge of ICT by teachers, parents, and students, Telkom began to hold educational seminars from the scope of the capital first. The event was attended by 386 participants of 184 high school and vocational school as Greater Jakarta.

It also presents educational seminars a number of sources such as Vocational Director General of Directorate General of Ministry of Education Dikmen Budi Susanto, Deputy EGM Telkom Business Service Division Achmad Sugiyarto, and Donny Budhi Utoyo of introducing ICT Watch site.

"Implementation of the Smart School seminar was not only held in the scope of Greater Jakarta alone, but also be implemented in other areas such as Bandung, Lampung, Batam, Medan, Bengkulu, and other areas," said GM Regional I Business Service Division of Telkom, Prasabri Pesti.

Implementation of the Smart School-based ICT itself, recognized Sugiarto in an effort to maximize the utilization of competence TIME (telecommunications, information, media, and edutainment) owned by Telkom.

"These competencies we want to bring to schools ranging from basic services to data and Internet, and applications related to school learning and teaching process, until the transaction services such as Pomegranate (delivery money)," he added.