Sunday, June 26, 2011

Jakarta Provide 222,267 School Bench (Jakarta Sediakan 222.267 Bangku Sekolah)

Dinas Pendidikan DKI Jakarta menyediakan 222.267 bangku kosong pada pendaftaran peserta didik baru (PPDB) tahun ajaran 2011/2012. Daya tampung itu disiapkan untuk TK negeri sebesar 330 siswa, SDN sebanyak 122.500 siswa, SMPN sebanyak 54.386 siswa, SMAN 29.317 siswa dan SMKN 15.714 siswa.

"90 persen diberikan untuk peserta didik lulus ujian nasional dari DKI Jakarta, sedangkan 5 persen peserta didik luar DKI, dan 5 persen lainnya bagi siswa luar DKI yang memiliki prestasi khusus," kata Kepala Dinas pendidikan DKI Jakarta Taufik Yudi Mulyanto.

Office of
Educational Establishments providing 222,267 empty seats on theregistration of new learners (PPDB) 2011/2012 academic year. Capacity of the country was prepared for kindergarten for 330 students, as many as 122,500students of SDN, SMP as much as 54,386 students, 29,317 students and SMKNSMAN 15 714 students.

"90 percent were given to the students pass the national examination of DKI Jakarta,while 5 percent of learners outside of Jakarta, and another 5 percent for studentsoutside of Jakarta which has a special achievement," said Head of EducationEstablishments Taufik Yudi Mulyanto.

The online registration schedule for public school has started since June 7 to June 25,SMP begins June 23 to July 7, while the high school and vocational country beginsJune 26 until July 9, 2011.

According to Taufik, for acceptance of public school, ranging from registration untilthe announcement can be accessed through the website As forjunior high, high school and vocational school can be accessed via

Meanwhile, Taufik ensure the new student enrollment for all levels is free of charge.Because, he said, had been financed Budget (APBD) Establishments 2011. In addition the registration process and admissions can also be remotely monitoredbecause the data is presented in real time and can be accessed online.

"I call out to the students' parents do not exist and do not want to spend whatever time of registration. If that happens, please report it immediately to the Office ofEducational Establishments," he asserted

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