Mengenakan tas dari karung goni, rambut dikuncir dan dipitai warna-warni, dengan pakaian sobek-sobek. Gambaran ini sering kali identik saat siswa, terutama di jenjang sekolah menengah dan perguruan tinggi, menjalani masa orientasi.
Periode memasuki babak baru dalam sekolah ini kerap kali dikritik karena dalam pelaksanaannya banyak masa orientasi yang sarat kekerasan. Selain kekerasan, masa orientasi siswa dinilai sebagai "pembodohan". Alasannya, siswa dimintai melakukan hal-hal yang tidak masuk akal, seperti berdandan ala pengemis, melakukan gerakan tarian yang konyol, dan sebagainya. Lantas, yang menjadi pertanyaan, bagaimanakah masa orientasi yang ideal?
Wakil Menteri Pendidikan Nasional (Wamendiknas) Fasli Jalal sempat mengungkapkan agar suasana ospek bernuansa pendidikan. Misalnya, outbound, membagi kerja kelompok, dan sekolah harus bisa bertanggung jawab penuh serta tidak boleh menyerahkan kepada pihak ketiga, misalnya alumni ataupun organisasi eksternal. Hal ini harus dipegang penuh dan harus diketahui oleh kepala sekolah.
Wearing a bag of burlap, dipitai ponytail and colorful, with clothes in tatters. This picture is often synonymous when students, especially in graduate school and college, through the orientation.
Period entered a new phase in this school are often criticized for its implementation many times a violent orientation. Besides violence, the orientation of students rated as "twit". The reason, students are asked to do things that make no sense, like a beggar dressed, doing a silly dance moves, and so on. So, the question, how is the ideal orientation?
Deputy Minister of National Education (Wamendiknas) Fasli Jalal had revealed that ospek nuanced educational atmosphere. For example, outbound, divide the work groups, and schools must be fully responsible and should not be handed to a third party, such as alumni or external organizations. It must be held fully and should be known by the principal.
Student orientation period was not an event revenge seniors to juniors. In contrast, the orientation of new students should be maximized to introduce the school environment, new friends, until the introduction of different learning because new students come from lower educational levels to be higher.
The orientation period students are expected to be the momentum to grow the characters corresponding to the educational values, such as discipline, responsibility, work ethic, polite, and others. It can be through seminars, education, entrepreneurship, and the introduction of a number of extracurricular activities.
Not only the senior students could take part in the orientation, the school can support the full orientation activities. In fact, in the introduction and the students are having problems, here is where the role of schools to provide a solution.
Period entered a new phase in this school are often criticized for its implementation many times a violent orientation. Besides violence, the orientation of students rated as "twit". The reason, students are asked to do things that make no sense, like a beggar dressed, doing a silly dance moves, and so on. So, the question, how is the ideal orientation?
Deputy Minister of National Education (Wamendiknas) Fasli Jalal had revealed that ospek nuanced educational atmosphere. For example, outbound, divide the work groups, and schools must be fully responsible and should not be handed to a third party, such as alumni or external organizations. It must be held fully and should be known by the principal.
Student orientation period was not an event revenge seniors to juniors. In contrast, the orientation of new students should be maximized to introduce the school environment, new friends, until the introduction of different learning because new students come from lower educational levels to be higher.
The orientation period students are expected to be the momentum to grow the characters corresponding to the educational values, such as discipline, responsibility, work ethic, polite, and others. It can be through seminars, education, entrepreneurship, and the introduction of a number of extracurricular activities.
Not only the senior students could take part in the orientation, the school can support the full orientation activities. In fact, in the introduction and the students are having problems, here is where the role of schools to provide a solution.
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